The Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 and, as such, all donations made are eligible for a tax receipt. All donations made to the foundation are used towards it’s programs.

As a donor, you have the choice of contribution to current needs (Tribute Gifts), or to endow your gift (Endowment Gifts) so its benefit takes effect now and lasts into the future.
If you choose to endow your gift, you may allow for its use to be vested in the Foundation, or you may choose to endow toward a Scholarship.
What are the ways I can make a Gift or Donate to the foundation?
- Tribute Gift in memory of another or in thanks to a friend [>> more information]
- Endowment Gift – a lasting gift to the foundation [>> more information]
- Scholarship – form a one-time annual scholarship or an ongoing grant with a Perpetual Scholarship [>> more information]
- iGive – sign on to iGive and donate every time you shop online [>> more information]
If you wish to write a check to the foundation, please include any directives and send it directly to:
Roberta Jackson
Daughters of Penelope Foundation, Inc. President
2102 E 30th Ave
Spokane WA 99203